You may be in the market for a new vehicle. Be sure to check for these safety features. Some cars already include all of them! And if you aren’t needing to buy a vehicle anytime soon, rest assured, by the time you’re ready, these safety features will be on most, if not all vehicles.
This safety feature is new technology that is helpful in avoiding rear-end collisions, which account for more than 40% of all crashes. The system first alerts the driver if the sensors detect a potential crash. If the operator does not correct in time, this feature will apply the brakes to avoid or lessen the impact.
Be sure to ask the car dealership if the automatic braking is included. These systems could also be named DBS, dynamic braking system or CIB, crash imminent braking.
This feature may not be on a priority list unless there is a need for it because of long drives on highways. But this does come in handy for road trips. This safety feature will make that vacation travel even safer for your family.
It works much like the emergency braking, in that the sensors help to regulate the safe distance with your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you. If the vehicle in front of you slows speed, the Adaptive Cruise Control will calculate the change and decrease your vehicle’s speed, making for a safe distance always between you and the next car.
Vehicle designs will never eliminate the feared blind spot. To assist with the dreaded blind spots, technology is used to detect vehicles you may not see. If there is a vehicle detected, visual and/or audible warnings will happen, such as a blinking light in the side mirror. When changing lanes, this feature is most helpful because not all vehicles can be seen in mirrors or over the shoulder.
Beyond blind spot detection, is cross traffic alert. This system can aid in parking situations when an approaching car is not seen.
There are two technologies that will help you stay in your lane while driving. You may be tired or you had to look over your shoulder and your car may drift to another lane. This is a very dangerous situation so the safety technology invented helps to correct it by either alerting you or even steering your wheel for you, keeping you in the lane.
Lane Departure Warning is just that, a warning that you are about to drift into another lane. If a turning signal is on, this detection system is automatically disabled. The other system is Lane Keep. If you fall asleep at the wheel, your vehicle is safely steered in the straight lane. Tired driving should always be avoided as this can’t be relied on completely.
You probably already know or have seen rearview cameras in vehicles. This technology was installed to assist in backing up. The device could not only detect objects, but you can also see them on the screen.
Cameras are expanding to other areas of the vehicle, increasing your overall safety. Besides front and rear cameras, automakers are starting to include aerial views of your vehicle.