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Writing Be Prepared — Oklahoma City, OK — Freeman Collision Center
No one plans on having an accident but it happens. And the reality is there is probability of it happening while we are far from home. Whether it be travel for your work or a family vacation, an accident can happen. Do you know how to prepare or what to do in case of an accident while in another state?


When is the last time you have read your insurance policy or discussed it with your agent? It is important to not only know the amounts covered for an accident but the ‘extras’ that may be needed after an accident. These are usually the extras that are trimmed to make the premium lower but definitely help with an accident. 

First, not every accident is a minor ‘fender bender’. Unfortunately, accidents may cause enough damage to where the vehicle cannot be driven. When that happens, the car will need to be towed to a shop for repairs. Many insurance providers offer towing insurance to protect yourself from a large expense. You will not know the towing service companies out of state like you may know here at home, so this extra coverage will help. 

Next, do you have rental coverage? One cost that can become quite expensive is a rental car while a vehicle is being repaired, this extra coverage helps with that cost! And if you are in a state where you know no one, you will most need a rental to get home. 


Most of us know what amounts are covered with insurance. This is because our providers inform us of the state minimums for Oklahoma. We then go from there if wanting to increase amounts for physical damage or injury. 

States vary however on these minimums. Some states are higher than others. So, what happens if you are at fault and have an accident in another state and the minimum you have for Oklahoma is not enough in the other state? The good news is our auto insurance works in every state and you are covered. Also, insurance providers have it to where your policy coverage will automatically increase in case of an accident in one of these other states with a higher minimum. This is temporary, of course, but your coverage will be satisfactory in any state. If you are hit by someone while they are out of state, their coverage will also increase, if needed.


The last thing to consider is leaving your vehicle to be repaired in the other state or having it towed home to your trusted collision shop. Weigh all expenses, including more towing and/or transportation.
By Admin 13 Oct, 2020
After years of experience, driving will change for a senior citizen. From insurance changes to physical challenges, everyday driving will be increasingly more difficult. If you have family members in their early 60s, now is the time to prepare for these changes.
By Admin 13 Oct, 2020
As a consumer, you have certain rights when a collision happens and repairs are performed. These rights can vary from state to state. In the state of Oklahoma, be sure to know your rights when you are in need of repairs for your vehicle.
By Admin 13 Oct, 2020
Oh the stress of studying for your driver’s license! It may have even been decades ago, but we all still remember the many rules we had to learn in order to obtain a license. Unfortunately as the days and years pass, we forget many of the laws we were required to know and observe as drivers. And each day, many drivers break these laws. Because the rules are in place for safety, it is important for a refresher course. Avoid needless collisions and tickets by relearning the driving laws you may have forgotten.
By Admin 13 Oct, 2020
We drive to work, we drive for fun, and we drive to vacation destinations. No matter the reason for our driving, the most important thing is to be safe. While our vehicles are still evolving with the latest safety features, there are gadgets and accessories that can assist with that safety. Whether it’s for beloved family or the person who has everything, these are 5 gifts that can give that driver some peace of mind.
By Admin 13 Oct, 2020
Road Rage is at an all-time high with congested commutes and full schedules. No matter if it’s the highway, city street, or rural 4-way stop, there are everyday situations that are frustrating drivers. Even the drive-thru can present a disagreement with driving. So, what is happening? Even if there are more vehicles on the road, there are written laws and unwritten courtesies that we should be observing. However, many times there are two sides to a story…
By Admin 13 Oct, 2020
The majority of hit-and-run accidents involve a parked vehicle. And over 60% of those happen in parking lots. You may have been a victim of this type of accident and discovered the damage once you returned to your car. This is the fear of any driver, returning to a damaged car with no idea what happened or who is responsible. Being a victim in the situation can ruin anyone’s day but what if you are the one who hit the parked vehicle? There are actions you must take to protect yourself in this situation.
By Admin 13 Oct, 2020
If you have kids, you will eventually have teens that are old enough to drive. It is an exciting time for these new drivers, but it is just the opposite for parents. Teenagers are 3 times more likely to have an accident than young adults in their 20s. Most of the accidents are because of inexperience and riskier behavior. Since this is the case, a new driver can be very costly to insure, whether you add them to your policy or they have their own. There are benefits with each option as well as drawbacks. Is it better to carry your teen on your policy or for them to have their own policy? It depends…
By Admin 13 Oct, 2020
Technology has brought us many features for our vehicles. Some are for convenience and some are for safety. Even some are just for fun. One of the latest gadgets that is all 3 is the dash cam. Chances are you have seen dash cam footage on Youtube or Facebook. The camera records road activity from the dash or front windshield vantage point. There are also dash cams that record the activity behind the vehicle. With video being the most credible evidence available, this affordable purchase should be considered. These are the many reasons to buy a dash cam now…
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Each year, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration collects information about traffic accidents, including collisions that cause fatalities. Recently, AVVO evaluated that data and reported their observations. And while AVVO is a directory that helps people find attorneys to represent them, their report of the risky driving times is interesting.
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Warmer temperatures means more activities outside. Want to experience something new but don’t have much time? We have some fun suggestions for your Spring weekends that are just a short road trip away.
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