Auto Paint

Auto Paint in Oklahoma City

 Freeman Collision provides quality auto paint services in Oklahoma City. Our technicians use quality paint, supplies and systems to get your vehicle looking fresh. With years of experience, here at Freeman Collision, we focus on delivering quality auto paint work.
Auto Paint in Oklahoma City

Our Process for Auto Paint

We go through a process that includes specific preparations to ensure a smooth finish every single time with correct color matching, thereby restoring your vehicle paint to factory specifications. These are some of the key steps we include in our process:

  1. Substrate: the first step involves stripping away paint residues and rust and very thoroughly cleaning and degreasing the surfaces.
  2. Welding primer: in some cases where welding is required, we use a primer that works safely for welding.
  3. Body filler: this step involves evening out surfaces with body filler and then sanding this down as needed.
  4. Primer filler: the primer filler allows for all the layers to adhere to each other, thereby ensuring the durability of the auto paint. This also helps with creating a smooth surface and protective coat against rock chips while providing a high-quality appearance.
  5. Topcoat/basecoat: This is the step where the color paint is applied providing the visible color, gloss and any special effects. This layer also acts as another layer of protection to your vehicle.
  6. Clearcoat: the final step involves a clearcoat that protects the entire finish. It can also be applied to the desired gloss level (ie: high gloss or matte finish).

Call us today and schedule an appointment to get your auto paint done at Freeman Collision.

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